What I began earlier in the year had certainly taken on a life of its own. I feel like God has taken everything into consideration, tossed it in a blender and waited to see what floated to the top. Things got really busy for me for a while (and remain so for a little bit longer.) Summer is usually like that. To start I have two jobs and then of course church and my ministry duties in music and in preteens. Then add to that TWO camps this year instead of one (more an that later), planning entertainment for the singles conference, rehearsing for the play for the conference, acting class, voice-over class, helping to create and shoot a webseries and recording the theme song and writing, recording, directing and acting for our singles music video this year which we finished shooting today, thus the sigh of relief. The video in of itself would have been enough and has hit its share of snags and currently is facing yet another. But God is good and He will come through.
I have this feeling of "be careful what you ask for." I have needed to rely constantly on God's power this summer and have faith that He will keep everything according to His will. That has given me so much peace of mind over the last few months. There is soooo much I want to share but one blog will not do it. I hope there are still readers out there. Sorry I have been MIA. I guess this is a little of what I was looking for. I truly feel God has worked His purpose and will through me this summer.
Keep on reading. It gets better...

I'm still here! And you're right, in spite of all the business and chaos, God IS still good and amazing and has a plan. It never ceased to blow me away.