I'm really getting excited about the bigger picture of this company. The vision continues to get bigger the more I talk to others about it. Picture a place devoted to works of art in all mediums. A studio/gallery/performance space/cafe. That's the shape this dream has taken. A place that promotes creation in honor of our Creator. Still working on a name.
My hiatus from work is over half way over. I definitely feel I have started something here and I'm grateful for the time I have been given to be able to do it. I have come a few steps closer to my goals for the year and I'll update you soon on where I am at with those. More importantly, I am moving and as I said yesterday I am allowing myself to be guided.
I'm sure you're wondering about the chapter title. One, it's to see who's actually reading these. For those of you who are (Sarah, Bry), I know you'll appreciate this. I was... "excavating" today (don't give me that face, I know you pick your nose all the time) and noticed that my "treasure" was blue. I was like "Why in the world is this blue?" And then I remembered that I was making blue Kool-Aid yesterday and I inhaled a bunch when I dumped it into the pitcher. Only explanation. And no comments about me being all Hollywood and gettin into that crazy blue nose candy. Although in a way it was... Anyway, that's probably TMI for most of you. Sarah, finger out of your eye. I wish I could make a spiritual correlation to this story, but I got nothing. Just a day in the life.

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