No, I did not die. In fact, quite the opposite. I feel I'm being made new each day. Although I will admit I have felt the sting of putting my old self to death over and over again. It's been a regular zombie massacre. Being sanctified is tough business. That sounds really religious, but let me 'splain:
I was reading a passage today from Hebrews 10 and in verse 14 it says "For a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." Being "sanctified" literally means to be set apart. I was meditating on this scripture and of all the things I could relate it to, weightlifting came to mind. I am NOT a weightlifter. I do not pump iron. I do not go to the gym. The thought of lifting heavy things makes me want to vomit. Everything should be made out of titanium alloy. However, the analogy seems the most appropriate. Specifically benchpressing. A person pushes themselves to lift more and more weight as they train. But who is there alongside them every step of the way? The spotter. Every serious lifter knows that in order to get results they have to push themselves a little more every day. A little more weight a few more reps. Yet alone, this can be quite dangerous. You push yourself to the brink you very well may end up getting hurt and/or crushed. The spotter insures that you can give your all without having to fear being crushed. That last heave, pushing with every ounce of strength you have left and you know it's just not enough. That's when the spotter comes in, takes the weight and helps you finish.
Jesus is our spotter. We can only go so far on our own strength. And when we get to those points where we feel there's just no way to go on, where we feel we are about to be crushed, Jesus comes in and takes the weight and insures we make it the rest of the way. And every time we end up stronger because of it. We'll never be where want to be or even where God wants us to be, but we are always where we need to be. Everything we experience is designed to push us closer to what God intended for us. That is what "being sanctified" means. And because Jesus is our spotter, we are perfect. We can never fail.
I have been in that position more often than not over the past few weeks. I have felt the weight of life pressing down. I have felt defeated and crushed. I have questioned God's plan for me and have refused to let go. I have relied too much on my own strength. Thank God for His mercy and patience! Further down in that same passage it says "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful" I believe that.
More to come...
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