Where did today go? Twas a bit of a blur. I think I got some things done, but to say I kept getting distracted was an understatement. Cleaning my room is an event because I find some old letter or uncover some other thing that needs doing and what should take maybe and hour stretches into a few. Even as I write this I'm letting myself get distracted.
You know, some times you don't feel inspired or motivated and guess what? That's where self-discipline comes into play. It's good to have a balance of both cause sometimes what desire needs is a good fight. Everything worth fighting for will come up against resistance otherwise it's not a fight. So when you feel that inspiration slipping away from your grip, just get it into a figure four leg-lock and dig in.

I started a lesson today for the preteens (which we lovingly call the Shining Stars) exploring what they want and why. It's in the very early stages. I'll tell you how it goes. My hope is to instill in them a belief in their potential and relying on God and others to realize it.
Tonight in my Power Group (not a weight lifting team) we did an "essence workshop" to get a sense of what kind of character we bring to the industry and use it to better market ourselves. Very insightful and surprisingly raw. Everyone opened their lives up to the group. I surprised myself by not being afraid of that vulnerability. Baby steps.
I also decided today that I want to take a trip to Colorado this summer and stay in a fire tower for a weekend. It's an adventure I've been wanting to do for a while now. Now I gotta find someone to go with me. Any takers? You can't be afraid of heights.

Oh, good news today. My friend who I coached last week got a callback for Hannah Montana. I may need to start charging.
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