Joseph was walking with his daughter, Julianna, when out of the blue, as is the way with children most times, she asked "Is God a boy?"
"No, God is not a boy," Joseph replied.
Julianna stopped in her tracks and looked up incredulously. "You mean God's a girl?!"
Joseph laughed and said, "No, honey, God is not a girl either."
Julianna paused a moment in contemplation. Then in a moment of poignancy and understanding, also in the way that children do, she turned to her her father and said, "Oh, so He's an amazing God."
There is a reason Jesus pointed out children as an example of the faith we NEED to have.
That faith was bolstered today in several ways, but probably the most impacting was hearing what God is doing in the heart of one of my oldest friends. He is a man who has been through some serious trials and I can see God moving mountains to get to his heart. It is encouraging beyond measure and I have faith that God will see him through.
To top it off, I witnessed a woman give her life to Christ today. She came here with a dream and God gave her a bigger one.
Many great things are afoot in God's kingdom.

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