Carla says my accent is pretty good. My Spanish not so much. Makes sense since dialects and character voices are my livelihood. She also said I looked like a flashlight running across the beach without my shirt. Jay and Mel agreed that I looked more like a glowstick. Well I added a little color today. Unfortunately it's red.
I found some water wings and a floaty and decided to be funny and put them on and go swimming. My humor saved my life. I went waaaaay out into the ocean cause i wanted to hit the big waves. Well they hit me. I don't know what I would've done without those floatys. Not the best decision on my part. But I got back safe. I was swimming so hard for shore that I forgot I could stand up and just kept flailing. That was pretty much it for me and swimming.
I then tried to navigate a hammock which happened to be yellow and it just wasn't working for me. I ended up looking like la platano grande. I finally found a hammock that fit and read a little while and took a much needed nap.
Walking the beach was pretty cool. There were jellyfish everywhere and at dusk all the crabs skittered about in front of your feet. I had a mission to find a sand dollar for a particular reason and I found about 5 of them mostly intact. The hard part is gonna be getting them home. I was just really marveling at Gods creation and thanking Him for the creativity in me that I could imitate Him with.
Jay and melyssa and I went walking on the beach at sunset and talked about how we can make the most impact in sharing this trip with those back home. My hope is that each person would be moved by our stories about the people and the needs and decide not only to be emotionally stirred but actually be prompted to use their own creativity to meet the needs financially down here. I pray that the members of the church back home have a desire to be connected and personally sacrifice for their brothers and sisters here.
The day ended perfectly with the most amazing thunderstorm rolling in. Mel and I sat on the beach watching the lightning out over the water. It was amazing! I'm so proud of her. She has such a great heart and continues to step out of her comfort zone and push herself to learn more about her relationship with God. It hasn't been easy for her and she is learning much about gratitude, but I can see her growing. She is a beautiful and incredible woman of God.
The other cool thing that happened today is that Jorge studied the bible with latimam our security guard. We nicknamed him rambo. For the first part of the week we thought his name was latina and probably became so tough from having to beat up everyone who made fun of him. Anyway, the study went really well and he is going to continue to study with the guys inn the church down here.
As we drove home we got to continue watching the amazing light show from God and I got to talk to Sara about her boyfriend and my romantic pursuits as well. Yes, I have romantic pursuits. It was a really great talk.
Tomorrow more work on the mural and then bible talk on campus. Still trying to figure out the hugging thing down here. Where do I put my head?! Do I kiss back!? Help me out!!
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