I was talking with a friend the other day about just that thing and she made a great analogy. First off, it was a Lord of the Rings analogy which already goes a long way with me. But she said something she's noticed is that while she likes all three of the films she really likes the first one and LOVES the third one, but as for the second one she likes it but doesn't have any desire to see it a second time. The reason, she says, is that it's that middle part of the journey that she doesn't care for so much. The first movie is filled with excitement and something new and heading off toward adventure. There's a sense of the unknown and of beginning that appeals to the characters and to us. The third film holds fulfillment and resolution and a realization of dreams. There is a joy and a completeness. The second film, however, is all about the struggle. She pointed out that even the tone and colors are darker and more treacherous. There is betrayal and heartache and just all around strife. It's the part of the story that we want over real fast. Let's get on with the happy! BUT it is probably the most crucial part of the story. Without it we wouldn't get from part one to part three.
To have a clear picture of what God is doing with our story we need to find out where we ARE in our story so we know how to guard our hearts and place our hope. I feel I am still beginning my journey, so guess what? That second part is going to come. I can count on it. I can also be ready for it.

"Yay! We can do it! We're awesome and we have each other!!"
"OMG! What the...? Are you kidding me!?! We'll never get through this."

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