Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chapter 13- I Eat Impossible for Breakfast

As Don Quixote once sung "To dream the impossible dream, to fight the unbeatable foe, to bear with unbearable sorrow, to run where the brave dare not go..." (by the way, I just looked up the lyrics to that song. Wow. Has to be one of the all time greatest songs ever written. Look it up, listen to it. Here, I'll help you:

Bryan Stokes Mitchell is a tad phenomenal. I am feeling the fire my friends. Tonight it is strong. My apologies for not writing yesterday, my internet was down.

I just came back from a day spent with my friend Todd and boy what a day it was. First off, he's been undergoing some MAJOR persecution and discrimination at his school and when I met him this morning he was in the foxhole. It's crazy to see very clearly that God orchestrates the right kind of help at the right time. I know I needed to be down there with him today. I believe God worked it out to bring him through the trenches and come out victorious. And by victorious I don't mean over any person but over his heart. It was a very dramatic day but I witnessed warfare at its finest.

After all that, though, we got to sit down and basically have a dream session. We layed our hearts out on that tiny coffee table in a corner of Starbucks and that in turn overflowed into the parking lot. It had an energy to it that fanned the flame in both of us. We discussed our hopes for this production company and began to map out the first stages of the direction that we see it taking. We decided that rather than shoot a feature this summer we want to focus on a quality short film that will give ourselves something to cut our teeth on and possibly fuel other endeavors. We have many ideas, but the one that is speaking to my heart right now is a sci-fi genre film on par with Star Wars or The Matrix. Creating an epic story with epic themes. I've always been a sci-fi and fantasy geek and I believe we have the capability to create something monumental. So, that's what's on my mind. Right after I finish this I will start hammering out ideas. I'm praying to God to open up the flood gates and let the creativity flow.

The other thing we discussed is finding a name for our company. We want something that invokes a simple yet powerful idea. Something that says "Here are a couple of guys who have little more than a dream and not a clue where to begin yet their faith will guide them." Part of our mission statement is to reveal God in the hearts of men. To stir the heart with noble themes. So, any ideas are welcome. To name something gives it power.

As you can see, I am super excited and I really do believe God is working and will bless our fervor if we stand strong and in Him. I told you before that God is moving the hearts of His people and it has been reaffirmed time and again by listening to the hearts of others, even our own ministry staff. It is time to dream again, folks. Let your heart cry out. God will listen and He will answer. Here's our sermon from this past Sunday. Tell me if it doesn't stir something inside you: (Watch Snap Out of It)

"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” -Queen (Which ironically enough was a line given to Alice in the new movie)

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